Pavlova with a Long Rail Gully SSC

Long Rail Gully SSC with Pavlova and a strawberry lemon thyme sauce

  • Buy a pre-made pavlova
  • 600mls whipped cream
  • 2 punnets fresh raspberries
  • 1 punnet fresh blackberries
  • 1 punnet fresh strawberries
  • 1/4c Long Rail Gully SSC
  • 1tsp lime zest
  • 1tsp fresh lemon thyme, stripped off the stalks, leave 2 stalks for decorations

Either make your pav from scratch or use a bought one, depending on how much time you’ve got to prepare for your Christmas party. Chop the strawberries into quarters and add to a small pot with SSC and bring to a simmer. The strawberries will leech out their water so no need to add any more liquid, lightly simmer the fruit for at least 10 minutes until the strawberries are completely broken down and it resembles a runny jam, you should have at least a cup of strawberry sauce. If not, add a little more of the SSC to boost it.

Take off the heat and pour into a bowl, add the lime zest and lemon thyme and let it come to room temperature. The sauce should be a little tart with lime zest and some sweetness from the SSC and strawberries, the fresh berries will also bring a bit of tart to the pav, to counteract the massive sugar hit!  When you’re ready to decorate your pav, cover the top in whipped cream, add fresh fruit to the bowl of the strawberry sauce and stir so all the fruit is covered and then attractively strew across your pav.

Serve with a slightly chilled Long Rail Gully SSC.

Posted By

Sarah McDougall

Posted On

Wednesday December 20, 2017

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