Scott and Sarah Gledhill own and operate Wimbaliri.
Scott is the winemaker, born in Wallsend, Newcastle NSW, a 6th-generation descendant of German vinedressers who emigrated in 1855 to work for Dr Henry Carmichael at Porphyry Estate in the Hunter Valley. One of Australia’s first vineyards and known for its Porphyry ‘Sauternes’, Porphyry later became part of Lindemans.
Scott moved to Canberra when he was young. He was educated in Canberra and spent 10 years working overseas for a number consumer brands including Virgin and O2. Scott undertook his winemaking and viticultural training at Plumpton College in Kent (UK), looking for techniques directly applicable to cool climates and without legacy approaches.
Dr Sarah Gledhill draws upon her science background when at work in the vineyard and winery. She holds an Honours degree in Plant Biochemistry from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand and a PhD in Medical Sciences from the Australian National University. Sarah has worked at Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital (breast cancer research) and King’s College London (diabetes research). Sarah undertook wine science training at Plumpton College (UK).